BY Ashley Lauen
My husband, Marshall, was diagnosed with stage IIBHodgkin's lymphomaabout a year-and-a-half ago. Through our lymphoma treatment journey, we spent a lot of time at MD Anderson.
Host dance parties.Yes, these dance parties will involve an IV tree, but they can still be fabulous and fun. Stream some music from your phone or a laptop. It can instantly change your mood.
享受令人敬畏的小睡享受停机时间。This is a special place that transports you back to early childhood where naps were encouraged. Nurses love to give warm blankets, so use them.
走出房间。虽然Marshall和我在MD Anderson,我们试图尽可能多地离开房间。在每天在同一个地板上似乎愚蠢似乎很傻,但它会让你疯狂疯狂。另外,这是伟大的运动。这是一个双赢。
Eat!Whether you are on a strict diet or can eat whatever you want, meals are an opportunity to bring a little fun into your day. Make a picnic, bring special food or order room service. It's the little things that make a big difference, especially during cancer treatment.
找到新的爱好。不要试图打开光。带上你喜欢做的事情。护士不介意额外的东西,很高兴看到你以一种愉快的方式传播时间。阅读您想要的所有这些书籍,杂志,工艺,缝,播放视频游戏 - 无论是什么让您快乐。
Read more by Marshall and Ashley on their personalblog。