丽莎加文:欢迎收看来自德克萨斯大学MD安德森癌症中心的系列播客《癌症新闻》。Cancer Newsline帮助您了解癌症研究、诊断、治疗和预防方面的最新消息,为您提供降低家庭癌症风险的最新信息。188bet体育网址我是主持人,丽莎·加文。今天,我们要采访的是Guillermo Garcia-Manero博士,他是MD Anderson的白血病教授,同时也是骨髓增生异常综合征的专家,这恰好是我们对癌症登月计划的一半。欢迎回来,马内罗博士。
博士奎勒莫·加西亚·Manero:正确的。传统上,15年前,人们认为MDS是AML的序言。所以,他们在一起生活了很多年。很明显,在过去十年中,这是两种不同的疾病。但是有一组患者可能取决于你怎么看10%到30%的患者从MDS变成了AML。还有一组AML患者实际上有MDS的特征。这些是白血病患者。他们之前从未被诊断为MDS但实际上骨髓告诉我们这个人可能也患有MDS或者疾病是由MDS的特征演变而来的。所以,这两种疾病之间有很大的重叠。在相当一部分患者中,从MDS到AML有明显的进展。 So, it made sense to put them together in this moon shot program but scientifically, clinically and biologically, more and more we see this as two different diseases with a big overlap.
博士奎勒莫·加西亚·Manero:好吧,我不知道莉萨那如何选择这些疾病。你可能是正确的。我认为,一些 - 在一些环境中,可能被选择,因为它周围走的临床和研究项目的深入这些程序。188bet体育网址所以,事实证明,白血病部门一直以来对这些疾病30年左右。因此,有相当多的专业知识,数据,我认为像什么样的问题是深刻的认识,所以我想为什么我们选择了的。这也恰好的是,我想,你知道,MDS和AML,即使这些都是比较小的疾病,全球或全国性的,它们代表了MD安德森本身使用,以照顾患者的巨大的资源部分。因此,医院基本上,床的三分之一白血病某种联系。所以这是一个很大的东西MD安德森呢,不能说在MD安德森的其他节目都是不好的。他们都非常优秀。他们可能是更好的是。 But this is a big chunk of what the work at MD Anderson is, you know, taking care of people with leukemia, AML and MDS. Even if the number of patients is smaller than breast cancer or colon cancer, these represent a huge fraction of what we do in the hospital for instance. So I think it's an important problem for us and I think it's a very important problem in society because these are diseases of aging. And as we get older, the frequency, the incidence of this disease is increasing. And as I mentioned earlier, this is very important. We are starting to see more and more patients with other cancers and other leukemias where we are now very successful. Like for instance, what is a typical example, multiple myeloma. When I was a fellow 15 years ago, survival of outpatient with myeloma was I guess two or three years. Now, these patients can live for a long period of time with the current therapies. But as their life expectancy expands because of their primary disease, unfortunately, the chances that they develop the secondary leukemias, AML, MDS also increases. So, we're starting to see patients with secondary disease that we never saw before just because they are surviving longer the primary disease. So this is an important problem, because now you have older population, high incidence of MDS, high incidence of AML, plus significant success in solid tumors, myeloma, lymphoma, all the leukemias like CLL for instance. We see an increase also apparently of the secondary leukemia. So, at the end of the day, this is an important problem in the hospital and in the nation. So, of course, my goal will be to potentially, hopefully limit the number of patients that requires stem cell transplant. Of course, stem cell transplant is a great tool but it's toxic. And it will be great to learn who really benefits from it, who doesn't really benefit from it. But for sure, it's curative on a specific subset of patients. So we need to figure that out. And I think that transplant is evolving from an approach maybe 10 years ago of very high dose chemotherapy with stem cell rescue to a much more sophisticated way of treating patients with leukemia and actually potentially other tumors. So, people have heard about these CAR cells that are now being investigated in many centers in the United States with great success in ALL and CLL. MD Anderson has a very nice program here for this type of approach as well. So, Dr. Champlin and his group of investigators, Dr. Cooper, Shpall and others are really trying to figure out more innovative biologically adapted approaches to stem cell transplant. But actually, some of them maybe actually pure immune approaches to therapy and maybe we should talk about the immune platform at MD Anderson later. But we're exploiting immunology knowledge in cellular immunology to really make transplant less toxic and also be associated with lesser risk of relapse, because what we're seeing over the last few years is that as the transplant doctors realize that perhaps this high dosage of chemo were too toxic. They adapted the way of doing these therapies with these many transplants, things of that nature. But what we're seeing is that unfortunately, that decrease in mortality and toxicity from the transplant is associated with increase in relapse rates. So the survival, in my opinion at least in MDS, doesn't seem to be improving with transplant, with conventional technologies. So, I think the future would be to combine these total therapies particularly develop newer approaches to transplantation. So, Dr. Champlin has, who's the head of transplant here at MD Anderson, has put together a very nice team of investigators that focus on this and they are looking at many different venues to really produce this type of immunological manipulation of the patient that I think that, you know, today usually what is going to have an effect on the patient.
丽莎加文:我认为,这 - 我很抱歉,我不是故意打断。但是,让我们来谈谈免疫治疗,因为作为一个治疗方案,它是一种蜡和人气减弱,现在突然之间它在治疗疾病如白血病和MDS的最前沿。因此,我们对登月一个巨大的平台的免疫疗法。所以,它听起来就像利用免疫系统已经成为一种研究新的途径的。188bet体育网址
博士奎勒莫·加西亚·Manero:是的。这很有趣,因为你所说的这些药物的第一次试验,我们的研究者,如吉姆·艾利森,在MD安德森发现了很多这些免疫检查点。它们首先在实体瘤中进行了测试,尤其是黑色素瘤,肾癌,诸如此类的肿瘤,都是具有免疫背景的。但是来自淋巴瘤部门的数据显示这些途径也参与淋巴瘤,多发性骨髓瘤和有趣的骨髓增生异常综合征。所以,我们现在正在领导一些临床试验我们使用这些PD-1抑制剂,PD-L1抑制剂,组合,等等,在患有骨髓增生异常综合征的病人和淋巴瘤部门淋巴瘤,多发性骨髓瘤。这很有趣因为人们认为这些治疗是实体肿瘤的治疗。这实际上是一个例子,展示了这种异体受精的美妙之处,在白血病中,我们从实体瘤中吸取知识,将这些“新药”应用到白血病的治疗中。所以,我们正在进行一些试验。早知道他们是否会有同样的效果,你知道,他们所示黑色素瘤等等,但这是一个领域,我们兴奋,你是完全正确的,我们至少在白血病,我们不感兴趣的几年,因为他们往往失败。但我们坚信,这给了我们一个机会去研究和探索完全非传统的治疗方法,这些方法可能不会与传统的低甲基化药物的化疗方式产生交叉抗性。 So this gives us a totally new view of the disease. So there's a lot of excitement about this concept in leukemia.
博士奎勒莫·加西亚·Manero:这是一个非常重要的问题,丽莎。所以,是的,我们有研究,就可以开始看这个问题 - 这是特别是在AML,给予这些药物的患者就是我们所说的微小残留病灶,换句话说,它们看起来就像他们是从治愈白血病,但我们知道他们会复发。这样的想法是,你可以给这种类型的治疗从根本上 - 这是不是疫苗,但也许公众会理解这样的一种方式,以消除或预防接种对疾病的最后残余。这实际上是什么,一般来说,不幸的是杀死白血病患者。在MDS,我们正在重新领先,也许是更积极,但它是一个重要问题。我们公布的数据,去年,患者在地西他滨或VIDAZA,这是两个药物 - 这些都是一样的商品名称,以便阿扎胞苷或地西他滨已经失败的患者。我们公布的是,它似乎是这些免疫下调的途径是有【拼音】。因此,我们认为,其实我们可以挽救那些失败的这些化合物与此病人,这意味着去甲基化药物,这些免疫检查点调节剂。所以,我们现在在实际审判主要的中间与这些PD-1抗体之一,而研究是三分之二下去。 And in the next few weeks actually we'll be starting a very similar study for hypomethylating failure MDS with the PD-L1 antibody from another sponsor. So you're going to see a lot of the studies. And I think what's going to happen is that they'll probably be put together, PD-1 inhibitors with PD-L1 inhibitors potentially with hypomethylating agents and so forth. So this is an area that is new for me actually. And what is interesting is that the way we treat these patients in the clinic with these drugs may be vary from what we traditionally have seen with conventional. So it's actually a little bit of a learning curve even for leukemia doctors have been doing this for like 15 years.
丽莎加文:那么你对明年的AML, MDS登月计划有什么看法?听起来你有很多临床试验要做。还会发生什么?
博士奎勒莫·加西亚·Manero:我们正在和哈纳什博士和他的蛋白质组学平台一起工作。我们正在对MDS和AML进行详细的蛋白质组分析。我认为这可能会给我们很多新的潜在的新目标,所以它会利用这些。Champlin博士有一个非常有野心的计划,就像我提到的新的移植死亡率有很多移植的临床试验。Andreeff博士关注的是AML中常见的突变FLT3。他的合作者正在开发许多新的策略来克服这个问题。再一次,回到你的第一个问题,Lisa,关于疾病的微观解剖,你知道,这可能不像你告诉我的Ibrutinib在CLL显然是起基因作用的。在这里,游戏的名字将会是我们能否确定这种类型的移植最好的病人并且治愈90% ?我们能否确定治疗FLT3突变的最佳方法?我们能不能——这是一个很容易实现的目标,我们能不能改善低甲基化失败的MDS患者的预后? So we're working on this angle. So my life is a little bit complicated right now because it's just trying to hold all these stuff together. And the progress is maybe a little bit not as fast as, you know, if you get one big drug and that behave right away but when it matures it would be the new standard of care.
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