丽莎加文:这四个是什么,CHOP, C-H-O-P,药物是什么?
杰森·威斯汀博士:嗯,我们正试图改变范式。很难改变。大约20年前有一项试验,看着四种不同的治疗方法,包括剁,他们都在致以同样的工作,你可以同样良好或同样更糟糕。所以,根据你的观点,但我们最近学到了大型细胞可能是几个不同的疾病。因此,在MD Anderson和其他癌症中心的调查人员正在设计尝试和将这些大细胞淋巴瘤的亚型作为独特疾病的方法。它们具有不同的生物学,对有针对性疗法的不同反应。因此,我们希望通过利用我们对生物学的了解来设计临床试验来评估这些目标疗法的临床试验。
杰森·威斯汀博士:我们正在进行适应性随机临床试验我们可能会先在复发的情况下进行。所以,不是接受CHOP治疗的病人而是以前接受过CHOP治疗的病人不幸的是,疾病又复发了。但适应性随机临床试验是什么,如果你用聪明临床试验这个词。这种方法是由MD Anderson的研究人员首创的,主要在胸科肿瘤组。他们现在可以进行所谓的“战斗审判”。我们的乳腺肿瘤医学小组也做了一项名为I-SPY的试验,帮助开创了这一领域。这是MD安德森的一个想法。但现在,它被用于许多不同的中心。我们使用在临床试验中学到的数据来帮助患者在临床试验中接受正确的治疗。我这么说的意思是它不同于一般的临床试验在试验的最初阶段就制定规则。 And we follow them regardless of what happens during the trial until the trial is complete. An adaptive trial allows us to set rules which have flexibility at the beginning of the trial to then smartly modify which patients are assigned to which treatment based upon previous patients on the same trial.
杰森·威斯汀博士:根据定义,他们都复发了。所以,如果我们谈论复发大细胞淋巴瘤,他们已经复发了一次。如果您的疾病已经复发了一次,那么您再次的可能性明显高于初始诊断。因此,用R-Chec治疗弥漫性大B细胞淋巴瘤的新诊断。与我所说的患者已经复发过一次,响应率相比,患者已经复发了一次。他们更容易再次复发。因此,在复发环境中,取决于不同的患者因素,攻击性化疗的响应率在50至60%之间。因此,如果有人会响应或不响应,它基本上是复发环境中的硬币翻转。不幸的是,我们有一个艰难的时刻预测这些响应者是谁。因此,我们必须对待每个人都能看到谁回应和谁没有。 We can't--We have a difficult time predicting this before we do the therapies.
杰森·威斯汀博士:有很多副作用。这些都是毒性很大的化疗。所以,接受积极化疗的病人通常都是相当健康的病人我们这样做是为了让他们接受自体干细胞移植。所以,当一个人复发的大细胞淋巴瘤。医生想到的第一个问题是,这个病人能忍受这种积极的治疗然后忍受自体干细胞移植吗?所以,当我在讨论这些积极的疗法时,有一个复发的亚群大细胞得到这些,不是每个人都得到,一些脆弱的人,一些有很多其他医疗条件的人可能不适合干细胞移植。因此,他们不会接受这些激进的化疗。但在接受积极化疗的患者中,大约一半的患者会对化疗产生反应,并最终进行自体干细胞移植。什么是自体干细胞移植,基本上是一种医生安全地给予大剂量化疗的方法。一般来说,我们的化疗会在两到三周内降低血液计数,这就是为什么化疗每三周进行一次。 So, the blood counts have recovered enough that the patient is ready to go for another round. The autologous stem cell transplant is designed in such that the dose of chemo would knock down blood counts, somewhere in the neighborhood of eight to 10 weeks, a significantly longer time which result in the higher risk of infection or other complications. But we found a smart way of getting around this which is to give a patient a transfusion of their own stem cells after the chemotherapy is done. These stem cells then home back to the bone marrow and can set up shop and the blood counts return in about two to three weeks. So, the autologous stem cell transplant is basically a way for us to deliver a very large dose of chemotherapy safely. That implies the patient has to be chemotherapy sensitive for us to do that with a chance of success. So, the relevant cut point for us to make a decision of go, no-go decision about stem cell transplant is does somebody respond that initial chemotherapy?
杰森·威斯汀博士:我们需要有好的生物标记物来开始分配癌症中有特殊异常的病人来接受他们可能会有反应的治疗。很多针对特定生物标记物和特定疗法的任务来自于之前的试验,在这些试验中,患者接受了单一药物靶向治疗,并发现哪些患者有反应,哪些患者没有。目前临床试验的方法是让复发的病人要么接受化疗,要么接受临床试验。我们在之前的播客中讨论过,很少有患者参加临床试验是多么令人遗憾。因此,我们很难开发新药,也很难了解它们在哪里有效。但我认为我们评估这些药物的一个大问题是我们将这些药物作为单一药物进行评估,而患者的疾病已经得到了严重的治疗,因此反应的机会要低得多。我们学到的一件事是攻击最常见的异常或攻击最容易识别的异常或生物标志物可能不足以在淋巴瘤或一般癌症患者中诱导反应。我们已经了解了很多关于复杂网络和复杂系统如何在过去十年左右的时间里发挥作用的知识。其中一部分来自于对万物互联的研究,但随着强大的计算机的出现,我们已经能够做更多的工作来研究复杂的系统。癌症是一个复杂的系统。 That's kind of an obvious statement but cancer cells by their nature have a lot of things wrong with them that normal cells do not. Generally, cancer cells do not have one thing wrong with them. There's multiple abnormalities. So, there is a one particular type of cancer that has a biomarker that we've used that to assign therapy and it's been a blockbuster. It's been a great result, and that's CML or chronic myelogenous leukemia. So, the story of imatnib or Glivec has been a homerun for oncology. But I think that using that drug and the biomarker that we found to correlate response with that drug is the wrong approach moving forward for cancer. I don't think we're going to see a lot of single agent chemotherapy or targeted therapies have that type of response. CML is relatively unique and that really has one significant driving abnormality and that's it. Other cancers generally have at least two, if not, up to eight of these abnormalities which could be driving things, perhaps even more than eight. That's a conservative estimate. And taking out the most relevant part of the network may not alone be sufficient. So, cancer networks have very strong similarities to other networks, other things called scale-free networks. And an example I like to use of this is looking at the airline distribution network. So, how do airline flights--How are they allocated? And you look at the map in the back of the magazine when you're on the airplane, you see that airlines use something called hubs. So, here in Houston, we have IAH or Bush. In Chicago, there's O'Hare. In Atlanta, there is Hartsfield-Jackson Airport that basically these are the way the airlines are the able to send patients--or not patient, well, to MD Anderson, yes. Patients travel by flight, but how they travel their passengers to go from one part of the country to another from small airports through a hub and then to another airport. They use these as connecting points. The reason why this is relevant for us is that there are certain parts of their airline network which have hugely out of proportion, number of connections. So, these hubs I mentioned have hundreds of different flights coming in and out. The vast majority have one or two flights. In cancer cells, the vast majority of the signaling network is not critically important but there are few parts of it which are dramatically out of proportion to the other in terms of their importance, number of connections.
杰森·威斯汀博士:这是正确的,谢谢。我最近发表了一篇关于这方面的文章。它被称为“破坏稳健性”。有点像文字游戏的标题,但我对这篇文章的看法是,癌症可以和航空公司相提并论。如果一个航空公司只依赖于一个枢纽,比如CML依赖于一个显著的畸变。如果你关闭了那个枢纽,如果你关闭了机场,航空公司是无法补偿的。所以,如果你像处理伊马替尼或格列维克一样处理Bcr-Abl, CML就会破产。基本上是功能治愈。其他航空公司,其他航空公司可能有更复杂的飞行网络。如果你看BRAF突变黑色素瘤的例子。 BRAF is a very common abnormality found in patents with melanoma. And if you give a target inhibitor of BRAF, you'll see responses in about 50 percent of patients. None of them are cured. The disease comes back in every one of them. So, this--the analogy here would be an airline that depends upon the hub airport but has other ways of getting around. So, if you close down the hub, they can reroute and may actually be stronger for having more hubs from their rerouting strategy. The third example that I used in this paper is BRAF mutant colon cancer, same general mutation of BRAF is seen in melanoma. But the response rates to BRAF inhibition are about 5 percent here. The reason why it's so much lower is that the network is a lot more complex and there's other abnormalities such as eGFR which are critical. And if you inhibit both of those, you may see significantly higher response rates. So, the analogy there would be an airline that has several hubs that uses. So, if you close one, it's not really inconvenienced versus CML is out of business and BRAF mutant colon cancer--I'm sorry, BRAF mutant melanoma would be shut down for a short period of time and then be able to reroute. So, I think that we need to evaluate targeted therapies in this context of looking at other complex systems such as scale-free networks and the analogy of airlines just sort of an easy one to conceptualize. But when we're looking at setting up these clinical trials for lymphoma, we're keeping this in mind that this single agent response rate of targeted therapies may not tell the whole story that this may be a significant part of the story but just because a drug doesn't have a blockbuster single agent response rate doesn't mean it couldn't be a critical part of a therapy that we derive in the future.