Can mindfulness lower your cancer risk?
If you spend as little as five minutes a day on mindful breathing, it may help you eat better, exercise more and reduce your risk for disease.
Mindfulness is the simple practice of paying attention to the present moment. It can make you feel less stressed and more focused on each task you do.
And mindfulness can help you sustain a healthy lifestyle, too. That's great news for those of you who would like tolower your cancer risk.
心灵支持各种健康选择,包括healthy eating和锻炼更多。
“我的经历是,正念增加了自我意识。我更加意识到我正在发生的事情以及我需要的东西,“说Kathrin Milbury,博士。,MD安德森行为科学系副教授。“And one of the simplest aspects of practicing mindfulness is mindful breathing.”
During mindful breathing, your mind does not have to be a blank slate. It means you don’t get involved in your thoughts. You let them pass by without adding any judgement or analysis. You watch the thought-train drive past.
“Just five minutes of breathing in and out seems almost too simple to have any kind of benefit, but it is actually one of the most effective techniques for slowing down and relaxing,” says Milbury.
If you can commit to five minutes of mindful breathing every day, the effects can spread throughout your life. Here are some benefits of this kind of meditation:
It can boost your productivity.Just five minutes of mindfulness each morning can help you get more done throughout the day because you get less distracted. You can concentrate better on the task at hand.
它可以帮助平衡你的emotions.We can’t always control our environment but we can control our response to it. Mindfulness practice can help you keep impulsive responses to a minimum.
它可以帮助您做出更好的选择。Mindfulness increases self-awareness, which can have a big impact on our decisions.
“For me the key was to understand why I over ate,” says Engle. “It’s like water settling in a glass. Once you wait for everything to become still, you can more clearly see what is going on.”
Through mindfulness, Engle came to understand that she was afraid she would not have enough food because she grew up as one of five children.
You may sleep better.心灵呼吸不必在早上进行。您可能会发现在当天晚些时候更轻松地查找时间。睡前前呼吸可以让你休息一下。
Overcoming mindfulness challenges