When I was rediagnosed with tongue cancer at age 23, I had to deal with a lot of things most people my age had never considered. But whenever people suggested that I do提前护理计划and complete a living will, I almost laughed. I wasn't even old enough to rent a car.
A couple weeks later, my dad and I returned to MD Anderson. During the trip, our social work counselor gave my dad my blankLiving Willand律师的医疗电源forms. These legally binding documents would state my wishes about who would make decisions for me and what types of decisions would be made if I couldn't make them myself.
Considering what I want
I waited a few days to even look through the Living Will before I started writing with my purple pen. The first few pages were easier than I'd expected.
The next section was on how I want to share my belongings. I wrote down a few things and left my dogs to my dad. I knew he'd take good care of them.
"I need you to read it now, so you can ask me any questions." He understood.
She didn't read it before my surgery, but I still felt a huge relief. I knew it was unlikely that anything would go wrong, but I took comfort in knowing that my family would have a plan if anything happened.
My parents got to visit me briefly before I was rolled into the operating room, and I smiled at them with one of the biggest smiles I can remember. While deep down something told my cancer treatment would turn out a success, I also took comfort in knowing I'd prepared a document that said, "This is how Rita wants it done, and this is what Rita wants for all of you."