The Toll of Brain Cancer and Treatment: A Caregiver Grieves Losses
BY Robert E. Lee
照顾所爱的人有严重的疾病be exhausting and disheartening. Robert Lee of Oolitic, Ind., shares the story of his wife's 2009 diagnosis of胶质母细胞瘤,而且都跟着身体,认知和情感损失。
I never wanted to get married. A happy, 40-year-old bachelor, I didn't need the added stress.
I was already stressed out doing two jobs: an environmental compliance inspector and a major in the Army Reserve.
Then I moved to an apartment located next to a Wendy's restaurant.
Every day, I saw her little red truck parked at the side of the restaurant. I watched her carry out the trash every morning, even if it was rainy, snowy or icy.
Emergency surgery and a diagnosis
She came home from work with a headache. The next day, I found her unconscious on the living room floor. I took her to the emergency room, and after emergency surgery and a diagnosis of glioblastoma multiforme, we came to MD Anderson.
We were fortunate to get Vinay Puduvalli, M.D., as Jo's neuro-oncologist. He advised that Jo have further surgery, which was done by another great doctor,Sujit Prabhu, M.D.
Dr. Prabhu successfully removed Jo's tumor and the entire left frontal lobe of her brain.
On Jan. 4, she and I went out to dinner. We talked and laughed, then went to the library.
On Jan. 6, she couldn't walk, talk or sit up and had lost all control of her bodily functions.
In our local emergency room, I called Natalie Puhls, Dr. Puduvalli's nurse at MD Anderson. She conferred with Dr. Puduvalli, who immediately prescribed a cycle ofAvastin®infusions to be done at our local hospital.
乔和我吵架,每天回去,她已经失去了认知和抢走了我的知心伴侣的。我们走的每一天。我们算在一起,我们走。我们轮流计数到30.我问她我们的婚礼和度蜜月。我问她谁促使我们从机场到旋转大厦酒店在MD安德森and what comes after 33. I just keep asking her questions and engaging her to keep her with me and to keep her fighting for her memory.
That doesn't happen anymore. And it hurts.