November 17, 2016
Want to quit smoking? 5 questions to ask your doctor
BY Clayton Boldt, Ph.D.
The single greatest step you can take to protecting your health is to quit using tobacco. Tobacco is responsible for one-third of all cancers, including approximately 90% of all lung cancers. Tobacco alone is estimated to claim nearly half a million lives in the US each year.
But it can be difficult to quit smoking. It requires dedication, support and planning. In fact, many patients find it helpful to speak with a doctor or tobacco cessation counselor beforehand to get help and support to successfully quit.
Below, two experts fromMD Anderson’s烟草依赖治疗方案offer questions to ask your doctor and some information to consider when thinking about trying to quit.Maher Karam-Hage, M.D., is professor of Behavioral Science and associate medical director of our Tobacco Treatment Program. Diane Beneventi, Ph.D., is the supervising behavioral Psychologist in our Tobacco Treatment Program.
How hard is it to quit smoking and how long should I expect this to take?
It can be very difficult to quit, but the process is different for each person. The important thing to know is we have proven treatments that work. Some people may have several quit attempts before they quit for good.
This shouldn’t discourage you! Research has shown that people who have previously quit are more likely to achieve long-term success on their next attempts than people who have never tried. The important thing is to keep working toward your goal to quit smoking.
What are the biggest steps I can take to increase my chances of success?
有几个事情s you can do to increase your chances of success. It’s ideal to combine both medication and counseling support. It’s also important to seek support from those close to you, but be very specific about how they can help. You need to ask for the type of help you would like.
Set a quit date and stick to it. While you’re quitting, take good care of yourself. Get plenty of rest, relaxation, good nutrition and exercise. All of these factors can contribute to your success.
Finally, and most importantly, don’t focus on the setbacks. Instead, focus on your successes. Each time you work through an urge or extend the period between cigarettes, it is like building muscle. Quitting is a process.
What medications are available to help me quit?
There are seven medications approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to help people quit smoking. Some of these are available over the counter, while some are available by prescription only.
Over-the-counter medications include nicotine patches, lozenges or gum. Prescription medications include Chantix (varenicline), Zyban (bupropion), nicotine nasal spray and a nicotine inhaler.
Speak with your doctor about your personal health and to determine which medication(s) or combination of them may be the best for you to try.
The best combination when trying to quit smoking is medication and counseling together. This combination is scientifically proven to have a higher success rate than either approach alone. AtMD Anderson, we are studying different combinations of nicotine replacement therapy, such as the patch and lozenges or patch and gum, but please speak with your doctor before trying this on your own.
Some have also found it helpful to try acupuncture or hypnosis, either with or without medication. However, there is not strong scientific evidence to support these methods.
Is there anything I should avoid when trying to quit?
You will have many thoughts about smoking and urges to smoke, so make a plan for difficult situations and try and minimize exposure to triggers, or situations that spark your urges.
MD Anderson’s烟草依赖治疗方案offers tobacco-cessation services, including in-person behavioral counseling and medication treatments, at no cost toMD Andersonpatients, employees and their families. Several clinical trials offering similar services for smoking cessation are also open to the public. For more information, please call 713-792-2265.
The important thing is to keep working toward your goal to quit smoking.
Maher Karam-Hage, M.D.