February 20, 2017
As I approach the fourth anniversary of my original男性乳腺癌诊断2013年3月,它发生在我当时不堪重负我的感情并没有完全褪色。
相反,他们作为一个持续不断的提醒我life has a purpose. That purpose is to share my story so that other men with乳腺癌can be diagnosed while the disease is still in its earliest stages — and therefore, more treatable.
That’s why I’ve committed myself to volunteering atMD安德森并参加几个MD安德森committees and councils that work to enrich the survivor experience.
During my visits toMD安德森,无论是治疗还是委员会会议,我经常观察与患者和护理人员互动的志愿者,提供支持并提出他们如何提供帮助。许多训练有素的志愿者都是幸存者或护理人员自己。
走路是不可能的MD安德森and not have an opportunity to help another person. It could be in the form of a gentle word or a soft touch. And since only 17 months have passed sincemy second diagnosis那I may even be the one who needs it.
但没有错误:这个机会总是存在对他人有益 - 你必须了解你的周围环境。
My response, which I have uttered to myself on numerous occasions, was, “You may feel like you are alone, but the reality is you are not.”
I told her aboutmycancerconnection.那MD安德森’s患者和护理人员的一对一支持计划。这种强大的网络由2,200多名幸存者和护理人员志愿者组成,他的时间和人才孜孜不倦地赠送,以便没有人必须独自面对这一旅程。
在MD安德森那not only was I treated by the best surgical and oncological team ever assembled; they also addressed my emotional and spiritual needs.
And what I have learned is that cancer does not have to define us in a negative way. We can determine our legacy as we make our way through the surgeries, treatments, tests and medicines. One way we can do that is by helping others.
Request support from myCancerConnectionor注册志愿者。
Request an appointment atMD安德森online或通过拨打1-877-632-6789。
When I am thinking of others, I have less time to think of me.