

Whether you have an upcoming CT scan or are expecting news from your doctor, waiting can cause anxiety, worry and stress. You might have trouble sleeping or feel impatient with your loved ones. All of this is completely normal. Here at MD Anderson, we call that scanxiety.

The good news is there are many ways to deal with scanxiety. To help make the waiting game a little easier, we asked our Facebook community how they cope with...

BYBree Sandlin


BYJaymee Fiskum

I wasn't the only one diagnosed with anaplastic large T cell lymphoma small cell variant (ALCL) in May 2013. My entire family took on my cancer...


撒母耳刑事的血液显示一个不寻常的工作level of liver enzymes, a gastroenterologist near his Alabama home recommended an ultrasound of his liver. When that test was negative, the doctor ordered an MRI, which showed two suspicious liver lesions, as well as an abnormality in his spine. Samuel's doctor said it was probably cancer and that spots on his spine meant it might have spread to his vertebrae. Samuel was referred...

BYLinda Ryan


BYCarol Bryce

Growing up in Jefferson, Texas, Jasia Russell, didn't know anything about physical therapy.

That changed when Russell was 16 and her...

BYLindsay Lewis

Last month, MD Anderson gained a new leader for our inpatient and outpatient clinical operations. Bob Brigham, our new senior vice president...

BYKate Boone

我的name is Kate, and I have stage IV melanoma. I received my initial diagnosis three years ago. I went to a surgeon, they got clean lines...



BYLindsey Garner

Chris Cuchapin is proud to be one of the first faces patients and their families see when they visit MD Anderson.

As a patient services...