November 12, 2015
BY Clayton Boldt, Ph.D.
从本次峰会汇集了National Cancer Institute (NCI),American Cancer Society (ACS),CDC and more than 35 of the nations’NCI-designated cancer centers。Bruce Gellin, M.D., Deputy Assistant Secretary for Health and Director of the National Vaccine Program Office, delivered the keynote address.
Seventy-five to 80% of the American population will acquire an HPV infection in their lifetimes. The virus is responsible for more than 90% of cervical and anal cancers, approximately 70% of vaginal, vulvar and oropharyngeal cancers, and more than 60% of penile cancers. Oropharyngeal cancers disproportionately affect men and new cases are expected to eclipse that of cervical cancers by the year 2020.
The good news is any of three FDA-approved vaccines are available to prevent most of these cancers. The bad news is vaccination coverage in American adolescents remains extremely low. It’s recommended that all boys and girls get the three-dose vaccine between the ages 11 and 12.
Prevention of HPV-related diseases is a major priority of MD Anderson’s newly unveiledHPV相关的癌症登月。Accomplishing this goal is a two-fold approach that includes increased access to appropriate screening for early diagnosis of cancers and dramatically increasing HPV vaccination rates through education and policy.
今年早些时候,Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)reported only 40% of girls and 21% of boys in the U.S. are receiving the recommended three doses of the vaccine. These rates represent a slight increase from previous years but remain significantly lower than rates reported in many other countries such as Australia (75%), the United Kingdom (84-92%) and Rwanda (93%). Health leaders cite this is as an enormous missed opportunity to prevent many “preventable” cancers.
的一个目标健康人2020计划是在未来五年内增加HPV疫苗在美国80%以上。洛伊丝Ramondetta,医学博士, professor of妇科肿瘤及生殖医学与HPV相关肿瘤登月的共同负责人解释说,对话必须强调这是一种抗癌疫苗,而不是重点引导HPV作为一种性传播疾病。
“虽然我们有这个极好的疫苗,仍然有很大的阻力,缺乏吸收,” Ramondetta说。“我们的目标是找出是否有人已经发现了有用的干预措施,以促进疫苗接种,其他人可以分享和借鉴。”
Several national partners were similarly enthusiastic about combining forces to change the conversation about the HPV vaccine.
A highlight of the summit was the presentation of findings from recently completed environmental scans focused on HPV immunization. Funded by NCI supplemental awards to 18 NCI-designated cancer centers, the results of these scans revealed barriers to increasing vaccination rates in pediatric settings as well as successful strategies that might be adapted by others across the country.
“我们认为,从多种癌症中心强烈的声明会,以使人们认识到,这是更多关于不是它是一种性传播疾病与癌症作斗争是有帮助的,” Ramondetta说。