September 10, 2015
Study reveals insight into DNA repair
BY Ron Gilmore
DNA双链断裂(DSB的)是遗传故障的最坏的可能形式,可导致癌症和抗治疗。距离新信息MD Andersonresearchers reveals more about why this occurs and how these breaks can be repaired.
Their findings involve the role of the enzyme fumarase in DNA repair, and are published in the Aug. 3 issue ofNature Cell Biology.
“我们的研究表明,该代谢酶延胡索酸酶和它的产品,富马酸盐,酶的酶活性是DNA损伤反应的关键元素和延胡索酸酶缺乏促进肿瘤生长由于DNA修复损害,”说Zhimin Lu, M.D., Ph.D., professor of神经肿瘤.
Another crucial component of the DNA repair process is DNA-PK, a protein kinase that governs DNA damage response, helping to assure genetic stability. The researchers defined how DNA-PK and fumarase interact to increase histone methylation, allowing for DNA repair and restoration of healthy cells.
"We know that histone methylation regulates DNA repair, but the mechanisms underlying this repair has not been fully understood," he said. "Our research revealed a 'feedback' mechanism that underlies DNA-PK regulation by chromatin-associated fumarase and the function of this fumarase in regulating histone methylation and DNA repair."
This chain-of-event repair process occurs at the DSB regions and initiates a DNA damage "fix" by joining the tail ends of the double strand breaks.
Increasingly, inhibition of DNA-PKs and fumarase are being looked at for its potential to sensitize cancer cells to chemotherapy or radiotherapy. It is hoped a more thorough understanding about how they accomplish this can lead to new approaches to cancer treatment.
Read the full press release这里.