March 11, 2015
由Scott Merrville
由MD安德森的药物发现和开发研究所生产的第一批实验性药物会杀死癌细胞的新途径 - 通过剥夺他们必要的生长和存活的燃料。
而得名MD安德森研究所的癌症应用科学(IACS)where it was developed,IACS-10759块营养物质转化成能量燃料的癌细胞。该药物通过阻断线粒体的功能做到这一点。通常被称为细胞的“发电站”线粒体产生能量的细胞需要的功能。如果线粒体功能被阻断某些癌细胞无法生存。
“大多数癌症药物靶向分裂的细胞,”说朱利奥Draetta,医学博士,博士大船公司董事。“有了这个新方法,我们可能hit both dividing and non-dividing cells that play a key role in tumor survival.”
Draetta expects the first-in-human Phase I trials to open in late 2015.
IACS的具有丰富的行业经验药物研发专家团队确定和开发IACS-10759。他们与合作急性髓系白血病(AML)/Myelodysplastic Syndromes Moon Shot, which will oversee the first clinical trial of the drug in AML patients.
Additional phase I trials for solid tumors and other blood cancers are also planned.
“We now have active collaborations across the institution, including lymphoma, melanoma and colorectal cancers,” Draetta says.
Read more aboutIACS-10759。
Eric Kayne