组合免疫疗法在由MD Anderson癌症中心引领的临床试验中产生患有转移性膀胱癌的患者的响应率在26%至38%之间。

Patients who’ve been successfully treated for breast, colon and other cancers can go on to develop an often-fatal form of leukemia, sometimes years after completion of treatment, due to a genetic mutation leading to secondary malignancies known as therapy-related myeloid neoplasms (t-MNs).
MD Anderson癌症中心的研究人员进188bet体育网址行的一项研究显示,被称为克隆造血的白血病前突变可能预测…

MD Anderson Cancer Center的八个年轻的研究人员被命名为Andrew S188bet体育网址abin Family Comperows,并将获得10万美元的两个......