“该地区人口的70%的无医疗保险,以及公立医院的服务未参保的数量是零,” Schmeler说。“居民有一处巨大的劣势。”
It’s especially tragic when women in these underserved Rio Grande Valley counties are diagnosed with incurable cervical cancer, Schmeler says, because the disease is almost always 100% preventable when detected early with a simple Pap test or another test developed in 2011 that detects the presence of the human papillomavirus (HPV) — the cause of almost all cervical cancer cases.
With this latest round of funding, Houston doctors will teach Rio Grande Valley clinicians how to perform three medical procedures commonly employed when a patient’s Pap or HPV tests are abnormal: colposcopy (examination of the cervix with a special magnifying device), cervical biopsies (removal of a small sample of tissue from the cervix for further examination), and LEEP (loop electrosurgical excision procedure), which uses a thin, low-voltage electrified wire loop to cut out precancerous tissue.
“在低洼地区,很少有医疗服务提供者为医疗水平低下的病人实施这些程序,”Ellen Baker医学博士,ECHO项目主任说。
ECHO项目倡议还将争取Su Clinica Familiar的服务,Su Clinica Familiar是一家具有联邦资格的保健诊所,为格兰德河谷最贫穷的人口提供服务;的公共卫生的布朗斯维尔得克萨斯大学法学院为边境缺乏医疗服务的人提供一辆流动医疗车;和德克萨斯大学医学分部加尔维斯顿该公司每月会派一名医生到麦卡伦外展诊所(McAllen outreach clinic)进行LEEP手术。
ECHO项目最初于2003年在新墨西哥大学(University of New Mexico)开展,目的是帮助农村从业人员护理丙型肝炎患者。此后,该项目在美国和世界各地的许多地方扩展为帮助护理人员治疗多种疾病。栽培品种La Salud是2004年在美国农业部开发的公共卫生美国德州大学的大学他还帮助了德州-墨西哥边境和加州中央山谷社区的西班牙裔女性农场工人。