指导M. D. Anderson的Odyssey计划为Oliver Bogler,博士提供了许多机会,吹嘘参与的年轻科学家。
“It’s a privilege to watch these outstanding postdocs progress in their odysseys of discovery,” Bogler says, “and I’m pleased that most of our former fellows have established their own laboratories atM. D. Anderson.and elsewhere and are devoted to finding cures for cancer.”
A decade ago, the first Odyssey fellowship went to Jian Gu, Ph.D., then a postdoctoral fellow in the Department of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery. He believes the three-year fellowship was “the best thing that could have happened” to launch his academic career.
奖学金后,顾focu转移他的研究188bet体育网址s to molecular epidemiology and pharmacogenetics. Now an assistant professor in the Department of Epidemiology, he is principal investigator or co-PI on several National Cancer Institute grants.
Abhinav Jain,Ph.D.博士,谁被评为2008年秋季的Odyssey Cellow,是劳拉和休斯敦约翰阿诺德基金会的资金的第一个收件人。
Odyssey计划从博士后的博士奖学金推动了ashby morrison,博士。M. D. Anderson.2008年对斯坦福大学的致癌科。
“I’m very happy as an assistant professor of biology, running my own laboratory and conducting research on genome stability mechanisms,” Morrison reports.