
Regulation of tumor ‘microenvironment’ may offer alternate approach for treatment



Scientists atThe University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Centerhave shown that EGFR may be shut down with the help of a cytokine known as MIF (macrophage migration inhibitory factor). It’s a finding they believe could signal a new way to look at treating tumors.

Their study results, which focused on brain, breast, and prostate cancer, are published in the Aug. 17, 2015 issue ofNature Cell Biology.


MIF appears to be vital to regulation of EGFR activation in tumor cells’ extracellular or external environment.

“MIF可以从肿瘤和免疫细胞分泌,”说志宾·卢,M.D.,Ph.D., professor of神经肿瘤学. “Importantly, secreted MIF is modified by an attached sugar group which allows MIF to gain a specific new function compared to its non-modified form.”


“Cancer cells secret MMP13, an enzyme involved in many phases of cancer progression,” said Lu. “MMP13 degrades extracellular MIF impacting EGFR in such a way that it promotes EGFR activation, tumor cell invasion, and finally, forms brain tumors.”

The team’s findings demonstrate an important mechanism underlying amplified EGFR activation in tumors. This is mediated by downregulation of its antagonist, MIF, in the tumor microenvironment.

Lu said that understanding the synergies between EGFR and MIF provide an “instrumental insight” into tumor progression and could open up new approaches to treating cancer by intervening in this self-regulating loop.

MD Anderson team members included Yanhua Zheng, Ph.D., Xinjian Li, Ph.D., Xu Qian, Ph.D., Yugang Wang, Ph.D., Jong-Ho Lee, Ph.D., and Yan Xia, Ph.D., all of Neuro-Oncology; and David Hawke, Ph.D., Systems Biology.


该研究由国家癌症研究所(2R01 CA109035,101109035,1001101169603),国家神经障碍和中风(1 001 NS089754),国家健康研究所(CA016672,10100101012304-01,以及MD Anderson脑癌的脑卒中孢子授予CA127001);詹姆斯·麦克唐纳基金会21世纪脑癌研究奖颁发的科学倡议;188bet体育网址以及德克萨斯州癌症预防和研究所(RP130397)。188bet体育网址