
Once-daily oral pill could replace preoperative chemotherapy in patient population if validated in larger trials

在一项针对BRCA1/2突变的早期乳腺癌患者的II期研究中,研究人员处于188bet体育网址德克萨斯大学医学博士安德森癌症中心found that more than half of the women who took the PARP inhibitor talazoparib once daily prior to surgery had no evidence of disease at the time of surgery. If further validated in larger, confirmatory trials, the oral medication could replace chemotherapy for these patients.

该试验扩展了一项发表在的可行性研究npj Breast Cancer,今天是在2018年作为口头介绍的演讲美国临床肿瘤学会年度会议经过Jennifer Litton医学博士,副教授乳房医学肿瘤学


Mutations in the BRCA1/2 genes account for 5 to 10 percent of all breast cancers, including most hereditary cancers – a population often diagnosed at a younger age – and 10 to 25 percent of triple negative breast cancers, a most-aggressive type of the disease.

BRCA mutations cause defects in normal DNA damage repair. PARP inhibitors block an additional DNA repair pathway, and the anti-tumor effects of PARP inhibitors can be intensified in patients with BRCA mutations. Talazoparib works by not only inhibiting the PARP enzyme, but by trapping the enzyme on DNA to further prevent DNA repair.


While the goal always is to move promising drugs from the metastatic setting to the front line, previous studies with PARP inhibitors combined with chemotherapies resulted in high rates of toxicities for patients, explained Litton.

“鉴于毒性和担心年轻女性可能不想放弃前期化疗,因为许多人患有侵略性疾病,因此人们担心患者甚至想参加试点研究。取而代之的是,我们的应计力非常强,超声肿瘤的中位数减少了88%,因为只有两个月的患者每天接受一次talazoparib一次,” Litton说。“通过这些戏剧性的发现,可行性研究被停止并重新设计为当前试验。”




“Our findings are very early, and future studies will need to validate our results,” said Litton. “However, the idea of taking a pill once a day and having similar – if not better – response rates without the quality-of-life issues women experience on chemotherapy could be tremendous for our patients.”



这项研究完成了,并在乳腺癌月亮Shot™,MD Anderson的一部分月球镜头程序™这是一项合作的努力,以加快科学发现发展到挽救患者生命的临床进步中。这项研究188bet体育网址也得到了Toomim家族基金和辉瑞/Medivation的支持。

利顿(Litton)与188bet体育网址EMD Serono,Astra-Zeneca,Pfizer和Genentech拥有研究资金,她在辉瑞和Astra-Zeneca的咨询委员会上任职。

除Litton外,All-MD Anderson研究的其他作者还包括:Gary Whitman,M.D。,Marion E. Scoggins,M.D。,Beatriz E. Adrada,M.D。,所有诊断放射学;肯尼斯·H·赫斯(Kenneth R. Hess)博士,生物统计学;Carlos H. Barcenas,M.D。,Rashmi K. Murthy,M.D。,Senthil Damodaran,M.D,Ph.D。,Banu Arun,M.D.,Nuhad Ibrahim,M.D.,Stacy Moulder,M.D.Sarah M. Desnyder,医学博士,乳房外科肿瘤学;和Abenaa Breswter,医学博士,预防临床癌症。Elizabeth A. Mittendorf,医学博士,博士现在在Dana-Farber癌症研究所。