Program Courses
- 负责任的研究188bet体育网址
- Clinical Translation of Nanotechnology
- 在稻米和德克萨斯州德克萨斯大学生物医学科学院(GSBS)提供的研究生课程列表中的两项选修课
Additional curricula includes:
- 在“癌症管理和纳米技术”(Canmanagano)的2周开发营
- 马里兰州弗雷德里克NCI的纳米技术表征实验室的旅行
- 介绍实验室和项目管理nt
- 研讨会,撤退,会议和期刊俱乐部
MD安德森癌症中心and Rice University are committed to the highest ethical standards in conducting biomedical research. All program fellows are required to go through a thorough curriculum before engaging in any activities associated with biomedical studies. Learn more about the program's formal instruction inscientific integrity and the ethical principles of research(PDF)。
Clinical Translation of Nanotechnology
- 在培训计划的第二年提供,作为一个带有实验室经验和独立项目的3学分课程
- 涵盖基本和应用纳米技术的主题,具有特定于癌症的专注:
- 了解癌症解剖和生理学的主要方面
- Major unsolved problems in cancer health management, from early detection to diagnosis, prognosis, treatment and monitoring
- 癌症中纳米科学的机会:纳米技术如何与传统方法不同
- Nanotechnology and cancer imaging
- 纳米技术和癌症治疗
- Theranostics.
- 翻译障碍:毒理学,交付,生物分布和药代动力学
- 回到绘图板:需要做什么?
从GSB的产品, we anticipate that the following programs will be of significant interest to our trainees:(1) biostatistics, bioinformatics and systems biology(GS01 1033生物统计学和生物信息学简介; GS01 1023生存分析; GS01 1013贝叶斯数据分析; GS01 1131生物医学统计和信息学核心模块简介; GS01 1153纵向数据分析,(2)癌症生物学(GS04 1063癌症生物学; GS04 1083肿瘤生物学的基本概念; GS04 1133癌细胞信号传导; GS04 1183分子方法和生物技术);(3)翻译研究188bet体育网址(GS21 1014临床试验的设计和管理,GS21 1093翻译生物医学工程主题; GS21 1132人类协议研究; GS21 1232翻译科学:床头夹和背部; GS21 1613翻译癌症研究);188bet体育网址(4) medical physics(GS02 1042辐射生物学; GS02 1093医疗物理学简介I:基本介绍; GS02 1103医疗物理学简介II:医学成像; GS02 1113医疗物理学介绍III:治疗; GS02 1732医疗物理研讨会。
在赖斯大学, the following courses will be considered to fill in trainees’ gaps in knowledge: BIOE 403 Advances in Bionanotechnology, BIOE 440 Statistics for Bioengineering, BIOE 464 Extracellular Matrix, BIOE 485 Fundamentals of Medical Imaging I, BIOE 486 Fundamentals of Medical Imaging II, BIOE 498 BioMEMS and Medical Microdevices, BIOE 505 Optical Imaging, BIOE 516 Mechanics, Transport and Cellular Signaling, BIOE 517 Instrumentation and Molecular Analysis, BIOE 522 Gene Therapy, BIOE 560 Cancer Biology, BIOE 585 Translational Bioengineering Seminar, BIOE 587 Optical Imaging and Nanobiophotonics, BIOE 598 Fundamentals and Applications of Medical Microdevices, BIOE 631 Advanced Biomaterials, BIOE 661 Oncology for Bioengineers: Molecules to Organs, BIOE 662 New Techniques for Cancer Diagnosis, CEVE 533 Nanoscience and Nanotechnology.
Cancer Management and Nanotechnology (CanManageNano)
Our CanManageNano "boot camp" is a 2-week-long program consisting of didactical and hands-on training activities at MD Anderson and Rice campuses. The T32 trainees complete an intensive cancer internship that includes curricula in gross anatomy, cancer histology, cancer biology, and cancer medicine integrated with clinical rotations in diagnostic imaging, medical oncology, surgical oncology, and radiation oncology. This includes patient encounters during physician consultation, diagnostic imaging, chemotherapy administration, surgery, and radiation therapy simulation and treatment.CanManageNano is offered during the first year of the fellowship, before the start of the fall semester.
Nanotechnology Characterization Lab (NCL)
教育纳米技术和癌症研究社区有关纳米材料翻译的常见问题:生物相容性,内188bet体育网址毒素污染,分批 - 批量一致性,受控药物释放,稳定性等。
- 将采用霍华德休斯医学院(HHMI)课程(HHMI)课程“制作右移”将该计划研究员介绍给实验室和项目管理技能
- 提供作为挖掘器家伙的1学分课程,作为博士后研究员的午餐研讨会
- 通过旋转计划教师来教授,他在课程提供时辅导T32研究员
- Introduction to Entrepreneurship
该计划领导力与MD Anderson和德克萨斯医疗中心创新研究所的专业开发和教育中心建立了密切的联系,以促进与企业家咨询的机会,因为受训人员探索将其想法转化为产品的职业选择或途径。
The program leadership also has close relationships with a variety of local start-up companies, including Nanospectra (Houston) and NanoMedical Sciences (Austin). These relationships offer avenues for potential networking and short-term internships for program trainees.
Introduction to Entrepreneurship
该计划领导力与MD Anderson和德克萨斯医疗中心创新研究所的专业开发和教育中心建立了密切的联系,以促进与企业家咨询的机会,因为受训人员探索将其想法转化为产品的职业选择或途径。
The program leadership also has close relationships with a variety of local start-up companies, including Nanospectra (Houston) and NanoMedical Sciences (Austin). These relationships offer avenues for potential networking and short-term internships for program trainees.
- 机构和德克萨斯医疗中心会议/研讨会
- T32计划年度撤退
- 参加部门联合研讨会
- 188bet体育网址研究小组期刊俱乐部/实验室会议
- 授予写作支持和培训