Extra-mammary Paget’s disease survivor: Time matters
辛西娅·德马科(Cynthia DeMarco)
2013年,桑迪·丰丹(Sandy Fontan)是一名53岁的马拉松赛跑者。她保持健康的饮食习惯,每周25至30英里。然后,有一天,她注意到肛门有点颠簸。它没有受伤或流血,所以她认为这是痔疮。她看了一年多了,然后将其提交给妇科医生。
今天,桑迪希望她早日提到。因为那小碰碰变成了更严重的事情:一种极为罕见的癌症称为extra-mammary Paget’s disease, which usually appears on the skin of the breast.
“我很惊讶,我什至无法说话,”桑迪谈到她对这一消息的反应时说道。“我妈妈有乳腺癌, but it was not遗传。”
到2014年桑迪(Sandy)被诊断出时,癌症已经传播到她的腹股沟和淋巴结。从那以后,它几乎每年都在其他地方重新出现,包括两次肝脏和其他淋巴结两次。桑迪以结合化学疗法,surgery,放射治疗和消融疗法atMD Anderson.
她说:“我可能永远不会治愈,但就目前而言,它仍然可以治疗。”“如果不是MD Anderson,我已经去世了。所以,我知道我处在最好的地方。”
But when Sandy woke up from the anesthesia, the surgeon told her he’d been unable to remove the growth completely. He wasn’t sure what kind of tumor it was, but it was definitely more than a hemorrhoid. And it was invasive. The surgeon referred her to oncologist, who ran some tests and determined it was likely extra-mammary Paget’s disease.
“There’s not much information out there about this,” Sandy says. “So, my oncologist didn’t know a whole lot about it. It’s so rare, he couldn’t even stage it. He wasn’t sure how to treat it, either. That’s when my husband said, ‘Let’s go toMD Anderson。’”
AtMD Anderson, the first cancer specialist Sandy worked with (now retired) told her it was only the tenth time he’d ever seen it in his 30 years of practice. And extra-mammary Paget’s disease occurs so infrequently that no standard treatment protocol exists.
“My doctors had nothing to compare it to,” Sandy says. “So, they created a treatment plan just for me.”
首先,桑迪接受了放射疗法布鲁斯·明斯基,医学博士combined with oral chemotherapy to make it more effective. That kept her cancer-free for about three months. When the cancer reappeared in her abdomen, she had more chemotherapy under丹尼尔·哈珀林(Daniel Halperin), and surgery under约翰·斯基伯(John Skibber),医学博士, to remove the affected lymph nodes. Since then, she’s had several more rounds of chemotherapy, as well as percutaneous ablation therapy under布鲁诺·奥迪西奥(Bruno Odisio),医学博士介入放射科医生。
“It’s not curable, but it is treatable,” Sandy says. “And I’m up for anything, so it’s worth it.”
Sandy’s last clear checkup was in February. In May, scans showed a tiny new spot of cancer growing on one lymph node in her groin. SinceCovid-19的州际旅行有限, Dr. Halperin is working with Sandy’s doctors in Mississippi to treat her cancer locally.
“如果需要做一些重大的事情,我会做的MD Anderson,“ 她说。“但是我可以在家附近进行所有扫描和定期的化学疗法。”
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