我在MD安德森(MD Anderson)接受了三种不同类型的癌症治疗。第一个是一种罕见的颅底肿瘤,称为粘膜外皮类癌。它在2007年4月在我口腔的屋顶上看起来像是颠簸。第二种是通过2017年6月的常规乳房X线照片检测到的乳腺癌。第三次是在2018年7月的常规结肠镜检查中发现的结直肠癌。
The first and third cancers were caught early enough that I...
Cancer has been a part of my life practically from Day 1.
After Ron Speidel retired, he and his wife, Brenda, ventured around the U.S. in their RV for nine years.
“Then I got the big C,” says Ron, 70. After playing college football as an athletic youth in Cape Girardeau, Missouri, he served as a police officer for 30 years — including 18 as a K-9 handler in high-risk operations.
乔纳森·廷(Jonathan Ting)随着癌症的家族史而成长,知道定期检查的重要性。如果有什么事情发生,他想...
I ran my first triathlon in the summer of 2015. Even with the 100-degree Texas heat, I fell in love with the sport. I started training several...
Just six weeks after his prostate cancer surgery, Alejandro Ayestaran ran a 10K.
His recovery was speedy thanks to rehabilitation exercises...
I was just 11 when I started smoking in the 1980s. Finding cigarettes was easy. My mom was a smoker, and when she reached the end of a pack...
There’s a new term floating around the food world. It’s designed to help you identify the processed foods it’s OK to eat, and the ones to...
在2021年4月31日生日时,布莱恩·赫兹(Brian Hertz)挠着头的侧面,感到有些奇怪。
“It’s hard to describe...
Whether designing computer systems as a management consultant in the oil-and-gas industry or earning an MBA at Rice University, Charlotte...
Constipation, diarrhea, and abdominal pain can all be symptoms of colorectal cancer.
Cancer patients often need blood and platelet transfusions during their cancer treatment, and MD Anderson depends on our generous blood and...
Daniel Frigo, Ph.D., developed a passion for science at a young age, inspired by his mechanical engineer dad and physician mom.
康纳·约翰逊(Connor Johnson)在去年春天从Covid-19恢复过来后,渴望重返他担任持牌电工的工作。但是他的热情是...